This paper presents the first
alternative that substitutes a single
high-resolution sensor for a wide-area multi-camera array, albeit for a
specific application. In addition, this paper also presents the first
application of frequency-domain analysis to the "inverse" problem
of 3D occluder reconstruction. We present the theoretical notion of
shield fields and show how it leads to: (1) a deeper understanding of
light field modulation, (2) the development of frequency-domain impulse
trains using tiled-broadband codes, and (3) a novel visual hull system
that is the first to allow dynamic scene capture using shadowgrams.
develop the notion of shield fields (which can be viewed as a
specialized form of the general 8D reflectance field).
While previous papers, such as Chai [2000] and Durand [2005], have
presented frequency-domain analyses for the "forward" rendering
problem, our paper is the first to focus on the "inverse" problem
of 3D occluder reconstruction.
also significantly extend the prior work on heterodyne light field
cameras by Veeraraghavan et al. [2007]; we show that their ad-hoc
"Sum-of-Sinusoids" pattern is surprisingly inefficient for even
marginal increases in angular resolution. We present a new coding
strategy that favorably scales with increasing angular
resolution, transmitting almost three times as much light as theirs
(and over one
hundred times as much light as a pinhole array). In fact, we prove that
the "Sum-of-Sinusoids" pattern is simply one instance of the
tiled-broadband family – an exhaustive set that contains all
heterodyne patterns. These contributions will allow future designers to
find application-optimized masks; for example, in our system we were
able to replace continuous-valued masks with binary masks, allowing a
lower-cost, larger-format, and higher-accuracy printing process to be
While our proof-of-concept shadowgram capture
system is inspired by those of Yamazaki et al. [2007] and Savarese et
al. [2001], none
of these prior systems were capable of single-shot dynamic scene
capture – even at low resolution. In fact, before our system,
the only
proposed solutions for shadowgram-based reconstruction of dynamic
scenes involved using temporal or wavelength-domain multiplexing.
implemented a two dimensional simulation of the proposed photographic
demonstration in order to understand system limitations. As shown in
the animation below, the cross section of a 20 cm diameter sphere
(displayed in blue) is shown as it translates through the
volume. (The sphere expands up to a 30 cm diameter at the
beginning of the sequence.) The mask and diffuser are shown at the
bottom in red, whereas the linear point source array is shown
yellow (where each green circle denotes a single point source). The
visual hull reconstruction is shown in light green. The simulation was
used to understand the general behavior of reconstruction artifacts
(i.e., "phantom" geometry, reliable reconstruction regions, and minimum
object dimensions). As shown on the right and derived in the paper,
this simulation also confirms our model of predicted spatial resolution
as a function of planar occluder depth. (Please click the simulation
image on the left to view the associated video.)
addition, as described in Section 6, our simulation was used to assess
the impact of heterodyne demodulation on the recovered light field. For
our prototype system, we considered adding 5% Gaussian noise to the
captured image. On average, we find that heterodyne masks, including
SoS and tiled-MURA patterns, decrease the received signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) by about 0.5 dB. The experimental results presented below
confirm this observation, with light fields captured using tiled-MURA
patterns generally exhibiting increased noise when compared to pinhole
arrays. Additional sources of noise and reconstruction errors, as
discussed below, arise from refraction within the multiple glass panes.
our focus is on
theoretical discussion, we built a proof-of-concept system to evaluate
the practical considerations for such designs, including: mask printing
issues, optical alignment, and system calibration. Our
photographic (i.e., still-image) prototype is shown below. The
imaging system was composed of four primary elements: (1) a single 8.0
megapixel Canon
EOS Digital Rebel XT camera, (2) a 75 cm x 55 cm diffusing
screen made of Grafix
GFX clear vellum paper,
(3) three sheets of 3 mm thick laminated safety glass, and (4) a set of
interchangeable masks printed at 5,080 DPI on 100 micron polyester base
using a Heidelberg
Herkules emulsion printer.
The diffusing screen was placed between the first two sheets of glass
closest to the camera. The various pinhole array and tiled-MURA masks
were then placed between the second and third sheets of glass. The
diffuser/glass/mask assembly was rigidly mounted to an aluminum frame.
The illumination system was composed of three primary elements: (1) a
6x6 array of Philips
Luxeon Rebel cool-white LEDs,
distributed uniformly over a 1.2 m x 1.2 m region, with each 3 mm wide
LED producing 180 lumens at 700 mA, (2) a regulated power supply, and
(3) an aluminum scaffold constructed using the 80/20 modular framing system
to allow simple adjustments to the LEDs. The illumination plane was
separated from the mask by 65 cm. Since our camera records a 3456 x
image, we printed pinhole arrays and tiled-MURA masks
with 150x100
pinholes, each providing an 11x11 pixel subview. That is, the
camera oversampled both the spatial and angular dimensions by a factor
of two. The masks were separated from the diffuser by approximately 2.7
mm in order to recover the shadowgrams produced by each LED.
The "photographic" pinhole array and
tiled-MURA masks are shown below.
System Components |
Photographic Attenuation Patterns |
point source array,
object, attenuation mask, camera |
150x100 pinhole
(pinhole diameter of 428 microns) |
150x100 tiled-MURA
pattern (pixel size of 426 microns) |
Demonstration: Basic
system is also capable of video-rate visual hull reconstruction. In
order to demonstrate this capability, we substituted a Point Grey
Grasshopper video camera (GRAS-20S4M/C)
for the photographic camera used in previous experiments. This camera
recorded 1600x1200 8-bit RGB images at 15 fps using a Computar 12.5 mm
TV lens (
The illumination system (i.e., the LED array) was identical to that
used in the still-image photographic experiments. Due to the reduced
resolution of the video camera, the pinhole array and tiled-MURA masks
were printed at half the spatial resolution as the
masks. As a result, the light field (recovered independently for each
frame) is composed of a 6x6 array of approximately 75x50 pixel images
(one for each light source). The volume renderings were generated using
(The transfer function was manually-tuned so that high-confidence
regions are shaded red, moderate-confidence regions in green, and
low-confidence regions in blue.) The "video-rate" pinhole array and
tiled-MURA masks are shown below.
Attenuation Patterns
75x50 pinhole array
(pinhole diameter of 409 microns) |
75x50 tiled-MURA
pattern (pixel size of 855 microns) |
Results: Shadowgram Recovery and
Visual Hull Reconstruction using the Photographic and Video-rate
Comments on Photographic
table summarizes the performance of our prototype
implementation for a variety of objects; the first column shows a
summary of objects which we have tested with our system. The second
through seventh columns compare the performance of the "pinhole array"
and "tiled-MURA" masks using our photographic prototype. (Note that the
object placement and orientation differs between the "pinhole array"
and "tiled-MURA" examples.) We again emphasize that, in our method,
each frame is reconstructed
independently. These photographic results demonstrate that
reconstruction was achieved. We also note that the benefits of the
"tiled-MURA" mask are clear from these examples; in each case,
pinhole array required a 30 sec. exposure, whereas the tiled-MURA mask
required only 0.25 sec. (over 100 times shorter). Note that the visual
hull reconstructions are displayed as volume renderings and
isosurfaces. (The transfer function for the volume renderings
manually-tuned so that high-confidence
regions are shaded red, moderate-confidence regions in green, and
low-confidence regions in blue.) While qualitatively similar, we note
that obtaining individual shadowgrams using "tiled-MURA" masks requires
better calibration in order to obtain the proper phase-shifts for
demodulation (unlike the "pinhole array" images). Please note
all videos
encoded using the
Comments on Video-rate Results:
resolution of
current video camera technology limits the degree to
which we could demonstrate real-time capture; we have, however,
implemented a preliminary video-rate version of our prototype using a
Point Grey Grasshopper video camera capable of recording 1600x1200
8-bit RGB images at 15 fps; typical results are demonstrated in columns
eight through thirteen. Note that, since these dynamic examples are a
proof-of-concept to confirm video-rate performance, only a single
example is considered: that of a rigidly-mounted mannequin
translated throughout the reconstruction volume over 10 seconds. Note
that the volume
renderings were also generated using
(The transfer function was again manually-tuned so that high-confidence
regions are shaded red, moderate-confidence regions in green, and
low-confidence regions in blue.)
click on any image to view at
higher-resolution or to view the associated video for dynamic examples.
Due to
the reduced resolution of the video
camera, the recovered light field consists of a 6x6 array of
approximately 75x50 pixel images for the dynamic examples, whereas the
photographic implementation allowed the recovered of a 6x6 array of
approximately 150x100 pixel images. Again, the most significant practical limitation of our system is
the diffuser (and the video-rate results show similar limitations in
this regard). We
believe that these limitations can be overcome with careful engineering
and utilization of improved optical components. In the future, higher
resolution projectors will lead to similar improvements in commercial
rear-projection diffusers.
Alternatively, as discussed in Section 8, we could increase the size of
the system; since the diffuser PSF stays constant, but the size of a
camera pixel increases, the effective angular resolution will increase.
Finally, we emphasize that our system will scale with improvements in
camera sensors. For example, with a 100 megapixel camera, our design
will capture a 10x10 array of 1 megapixel images; in comparison,
consider the challenge and costs of building a comparable system with
individual cameras.
General Comments on Current Limitations:
We again emphasize that, while the current results show
reconstruction errors, we believe careful engineering, the
inclusion of
future diffuser technology, and high-resolution consumer cameras will
greatly improve the quality of the results and the practicality of the
proposed architecture. When viewing these results, please weigh current
limitations against the considerable promising new directions enabled
by our theory and system, including: (1) allowing single-camera
techniques to compete, for the first time, with complex multi-camera
systems in the arena of motion capture, and (2) developing
high-throughput attenuation masks for use in heterodyne light field
cameras and large-format photography.
(Photographed Separately) |
("Pinhole Array", 30sec Exposure) |
6x6 Shadowgrams
("Pinhole Array")
("Tiled-MURA", 0.25sec Exposure) |
6x6 Shadowgrams
("Tiled-MURA") |
Recovered Visual Hull
("Pinhole Array") |
Recovered Visual Hull
("Tiled-MURA") |
Video for Dynamic Scene
("Pinhole Array") |
6x6 Shadowgrams
("Pinhole Array") |
Hull Reconstruction
("Pinhole Array") |
Video for Dynamic Scene
("Tiled-MURA") |
6x6 Shadowgrams
("Tiled-MURA") |
Visual Hull
("Tiled-MURA") |
Additional examples showing improvement in overall light throughput
using "Tiled-MURA":
(Photographed Separately) |
("Pinhole Array", 30sec Exposure) |
6x6 Shadowgrams
("Pinhole Array") |
("Tiled-MURA", 0.25sec Exposure) |
6x6 Shadowgrams
("Tiled-MURA") |
Light Source Calibration Procedure
In order to recover the visual hull from the
individual shadowgrams, we require precise estimates of the 3D location
of each point source. Previously, Yamazaki et al. [2007] and Savarese
al. [2001] studied the problem of estimating the position of point
light sources. For our system, we adopted a method similar to Yamazaki
et al. [2007]. As discussed in that work, the position of a point
light can be recovered by observing the shadows due to spheres
placed within the scene. In fact, they show that one can solve
for the position of a light in 3D given two or more images of a single
sphere with an unknown radius. In this work, we used a single
sphere, with a 12.7cm diameter, and recorded a set of shadowgrams as
the sphere was translated through the reconstruction volume.
Typical shadowgrams are shown below. Afterwards, we used a
least-squares ellipse-fitting routine to estimate the shadow boundary.
To minimize the effects of outliers and shadowgram artifacts, we
further applied RANSAC within the ellipse-fitting procedure. Typical
fitting results are shown below (with the ellipse
boundary shown in green and the major/minor axes shown in
blue/red). The complete set of ellipses are also shown below, where we
observe that, in 2D, their major axes intersect the closest point in
the diffuser to each light source. Again, one must apply RANSAC to
minimize the effects of poorly-fit shadow boundaries. Finally, the full
ellipse parameters are used to recover the depth of each light source.
The recovered light source positions are shown below. In this example,
we have found the best location of the light source array, given the
constraint that the lights are uniformly-distributed and that the
predicated shadow boundaries are as close as possible to the detected
Light Source Calibration using Projections of Spheres
Recovered Shadowgrams
("Pinhole Array", 1.6sec Exposure) |
Ellipses Fit
using Least-Squares with RANSAC
("Pinhole Array", 1.6sec Exposure) |
of Precise Light Source Positions
Summary of Ellipses
Fit to 16 Calibration Images
("Pinhole Array", 1.6sec Exposure) |
Recovered Light
Source Positions
("Pinhole Array", 1.6sec Exposure) |
Compensating for Refraction
within the Multiple Glass Panes
Observations of
Per-Pinhole Barrel Distortion due to Glass Refraction:
In the prior results, we ignored the effect of refraction due to the
multiple thin glass panes. In general, we find that refraction is a
significant issue and, to obtain the highest-quality shadowgrams, one
must compensate for its effects. The effects of refraction are readily
observed by illuminating the scene with the 6x6 LED array and recording
a shield field photograph using a pinhole array mask. As shown in the
images above and in the inset region below, a per-pinhole barrel
distortion is clearly present. If refraction was not an issue, then the
image of each point light source would be located in a uniformly-spaced
grid (rather than a barrel-distorted pattern). In our
prototype, neither the attenuating masks nor the diffuser are
rigid. As a result, we must use a minimum of three sheets of
approximately 2.7 mm glass to separate the mask from the diffuser and
hold both in fixed positions.
Theoretical Explanation
for Barrel Distortion:
Generally, the thickness of the glass after the diffuser does not
significantly impact the barrel distortion, however it does slightly
increase the effective PSF of the imaging system. Surprisingly, the
thickness of the first sheet of glass (between the mask and the light
sources) is important and should be as thick as possible. This is
somewhat counterintuitive, however it is easily explained using
geometric optics. First, notice that the second sheet of glass (between
the mask and diffuser) must have the precise thickness required for
heterodyne detection (i.e., the mask-diffuser separation is
given by the desired spatial/angular resolution and the geometric
placement of the lights relative to the diffuser). Since the refractive
index of crown glass is around 1.5, the effect of the center glass
sheet will be to bend each incident ray towards the surface normal of
the pane – directly causing the observed barrel distortion. As a
thought experiment, now consider varying the thickness of the first
sheet of glass from zero (i.e., no glass) to the distance to the light
array (i.e., infinite). If the glass thickness is zero, then we have
the case of a single glass sheet between the mask and diffuser, and
significant barrel distortion occurs. If we enclose the lights within
the glass, then no
occurs before the pinhole or before the diffuser and it is as if the
system is in air. As a result, increasing the thickness of the first
glass sheet slightly reduces barrel distortion. In practice, however,
barrel distortion cannot be eliminated in our current design. In the
future, we propose using rigid masks and diffusers to avoid refraction.
Most importantly, we observe that if a revised design only eliminated
the central glass pane, then barrel distortion would be completely
eliminated for the pinhole array – even if the other
two panes of glass remained in the system.
Compensating for Barrel
Distortion in Pinhole Arrays:
While the prior results demonstrate successful
shadowgram recovery, we notice that, by ignoring refraction, the
demodulated pinhole array and tiled-MURA results exhibit various
moiré-type patterns. This is a result of assuming that the
images of the point sources are located on a uniform grid. Because the
barrel distortion is minor, this does not prevent either pinhole or
heterodyne masks from functioning, however better results can be
achieved by compensating for refraction. Currently, this procedure can
only be applied to pinhole array images, but we expect future work to
examine similar solutions for heterodyne demodulation. To compensate
for refraction, we simply photograph an empty scene using a pinhole
array mask and a single light source at a time. In our prototype, we
collect 36 images – one for each LED. Afterwards, we detect
the subpixel peaks (using intensity centroids) for each pinhole image.
Finally, after grouping and ordering these peaks, we obtain the
per-pinhole barrel distortion (as shown below on the right).
Afterwards, we use the subpixel peaks to interpolate any given shield
field photograph. As shown in the following section, this procedure
produces enhanced shadowgrams with minimal crosstalk and with better
performance for large angles of incidence to the diffuser.
Compensation using Multiple Single-Source Calibration Images
Inset Region of
("Pinhole Array", 1.6sec Exposure) |
Intensity-Centroids for Each Image Peak
("Pinhole Array", 1.6sec Exposure) |
Results: Refraction-Compensated
Shadowgram Recovery and
Visual Hull Reconstruction
We repeated the previous photographic shield field experiments
using the refraction compensation procedure. In addition, because the
per-pinhole barrel distortion may cause image peaks to move closer
together, we also used a higher-resolution camera to prevent
undersamping. In these examples we used a 22 megapixel
645ZD camera with an 80mm f/2.8 AF lens. In addition, we
photographed the diffuser using the maximum setting of f/2.8 –
significantly reducing the necessary exposure time for the pinhole
array when compared to the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. Typical results
are shown below. Note that the peripheral shadowgrams (corresponding to
large angles of incidence to the diffuser) are more robustly recovered
than before, where the remaining "salt-and-pepper" noise results from
peak-localization errors in low-SNR regions of the recovered
shadowgrams. Similarly, visual hull reconstructions using the
refraction-compensated shadowgrams recovered finer object details.
(Photographed Separately) |
("Pinhole Array", 1.6sec) |
6x6 Shadowgrams
Refraction Compensated
("Pinhole Array")
Recovered Visual Hull
Refraction Compensated
("Pinhole Array") |
Occluders are becoming valuable for a range of
Computational Photography research problems. We have described a
unified representation of occluders in light transport and photography
using shield fields: the 4D attenuation function which acts on any
light field incident on an occluder. We have provided a complete
analysis of their application to the inverse problem of occluder
reconstruction, leading to the development of new tiled-broadband
codes. Our tiled-coding leads to a simple scanning system. We believe
we have presented the first single-camera, single-shot approach to
capture visual hulls without moving or programmable illumination.
Shield fields can be used for several interesting applications in the
future, including efficient shadow computations, volumetric/holographic
masks, and for modeling general ray-attenuation effects as 4D light
field transformations. By creating the signal processing framework and
practical light-efficient solutions, we hope to inspire research in
novel capture devices based on large area emitters and sensors.